
allonymbooks is the home of quality fiction, independently and directly published as e-books on Amazon and on Libiro


Cover Design for Equilibrium by Evie Woolmore Cover Design for Rising Up by Evie Woolmore The Salt Factory by Evie Woolmore

Crash Cole in 'The Rake Spared' cover       The Strattons vol 1 cover 

All allonymbooks novels are available from all Amazon sites and some will become available on Libiro over the next couple of months.

Evie Woolmore‘s stunning, imaginative, thought-provoking magical realist fiction fuses historical settings with the supernatural in beautifully crafted prose. Recommended by the Historical Novel Society, Evie’s novel Equilibrium has also been awarded the Awesome Indies Gold Seal.

Cadell Blackstock writes satirical modern morality tales with a twist in the tail. Tart, taut and clever takes on contemporary life.

Flora Chase writes historical sagas for young adult audiences. Two parts Downton Abbey to one part The Luxe, The Strattons saga is a heady cocktail of adolescence in straight-jacketed Edwardian England.  

EJ Knight is the newest arrival at allonymbooks, with the Lucille Landau series of historical crime novels. Join Lucille in jazz age New York City as she follows her dreams of becoming a musician while running away from a terrible secret.

The authors and team at allonymbooks blog weekly about the world of indie publishing, including reviews of indie published books by allonymbooks author and Awesome Indies reviewer Evie Woolmore. Click on the menu links for more information.

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